I sped on down early Friday afternoon avoiding Tween-Hour, confidently believing I'd find all two of her requested pieces and the much coveted fringe boots she said she'd buy me for my birthday.
Where the f*ck was it all? I asked the salesperson where was the Isabel Marant section? Stifling a chortle, she walked me over to a lone dress there on a hanger all by itself, the last runt of the litter, a size 12 metallic dress with a cutout back. Then she said, which I could've kissed her full on the mouth for, "You're kind of petite, maybe try the kids section??"
My face showed a case of the sads, which prompted her to add, "There was a line Wednesday night at midnight. People camped. We sold $40K and all but the one piece in the first two hours of the store opening." I texted my sister the bad news and she had this to say:
I love the part, "Jesus. Who knew pp in portland know about isabel marant?"
We know, dear sister, we know.
And we have excellent camping equipment.
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